piatok 14. októbra 2011

In Belgium, following the adoption of anti-smoking laws, increased the number of bankruptcies cafes

National Syndicate of Independent Entrepreneurs (SNI) made a research in 363 cafes in which, because of new law, the visitors cannot light a cigarette. Three quarters of the owners agree that, after acceptation of this law, they lost about 27% of their permanent clients.
According to the SNI information, quoted by Gaza van Antwrpen newspaper, 71% of owners of pubs and bars blame new law for decreasing their profit of 19% per month. According to same information, this law caused bankruptcy of bars and pubs, according to year 2010 there is 8% more bankrupted of these businesses. SNI also expected more than 450 businesses to bankrupt, also according to the anti-smoking law.
What this all mean? Government tried to do something good, not only for environment, but also for citizen, but only consequences they have now are bankrupted businesses and another law which is screaming for most people : break me!