streda 16. novembra 2011

If you are listening to the radio in fleet car, company is going to pay for it

Integram - collective management of copyright - wants to set up payments for radios in fleet cars because in their opinion there is difference between listening to the radio in your own car and fleet car. In the second case it is public performance.

The weird thing is fact that people from Czech Republic are already paying for TV and radio.
Entrepreneurs think that this application is dismissive. "Our willingness to pay is low, because we do not use this equipments to create profit. We pay radio fees, and this requirement does not give me too much sense, "says George Siegmundexample, director of Taurid Ostrava, which provides management and control systems.

As soon as this idea came out, citizen of Czech Republic started discussion about it, and the opinions was not very positive. For example Zdeňka Čechová from city Opava thinks that: Today these people have come up with anything to get some money. If I drive a fleet car, so I'll get better music from mine mobile. 

Citizen of Czech Republic are still wayting for results of this idea...

pondelok 7. novembra 2011

The French must be in the next year to prepare for further belt-tightening

French Prime Minister François Fillon said that in the year 2012 they will have another belt-tightening, cited by AFP.

He also think that budget for the year 2012 will be "One of the toughest since 1945," also from the end of the second world war. According to Prime Minister is important for Gallic rooster maintain its credibility in world markets. This must necessarily maintain its rating, which is still the highest level of AAA. Rating determines the interest for which a country borrows money and that is why it is so important. Of course, the higher the rating, the better conditions.
More detailed plans should be published on Monday after the cabinet meeting. According to the revised forecasts for next year, the French economy should grow by only one percent compared to the expected 1.75 percent.
Chosen ministers are supposed to "find" from six to eight billion euro, to the general government deficit remained at 4.5 percent, as France is committed to its European partners.
For me as a slovak citiyen it may seems to be unimportant but as we know, small things can changed everything.